Value: Respect Authority “Hannah, come outside.” Hannah’s best friend Betty called up to her. Hannah slipped downstairs. “What is it? It’s the middle of the…
Value: An allegory about temptation Belinda was a good girl. She tried to keep the right kinds of friends and together they tried to stay…
Bad Imaginary Friend
Value: Lying Lots of us have imaginary friends. John had one and he talked to him every day. John’s imaginary friend was named Duncan. Since…
Baby Polar Bears
Value: Helping the Poor The one thing Pudgy and the older baby polar bears he played with loved to do is explore. Sometimes their moms…
All The Little Lemurs
Value: Blessed are the Pure of Heart All little lemurs love to play. They play all the day and every day they play. Why any…
A Bad Dream
Value: Forgiveness and Reconciliation “DAD how dare you look in my diary?” Max screamed at his father in fury. Chuck was red with anger at…
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