God could be rich readily enough, if he were more provident, and denied us the use of his creatures; let him, for ever so short…
God is upright, faithful, and true
God is upright, faithful, and true, as he has shown, not only in his promises, through Christ, of forgiveness of sins, and deliverance from everlasting…
Gods Work Part II
In the beginning, God made Adam out of a piece of clay, and Eve out of Adam’s rib: he blessed them and said: “Be fruitful…
Gods Works
All the works of God are unsearchable and unspeakable, no human sense can find them out; faith only takes hold of them without human power…
Gods Word
That the Bible is God’s Word and book I prove thus: All things that have been, and are, in the world, and the manner of…
Tender Plant
The church is a tender plant. It must be watched. People hear a couple of sermons, scan a few pages of Holy Writ, and think…
That ye are so soon.
Paul deplores the fact that it is difficult for the mind to retain a sound and steadfast faith. A man labors for a decade before…